12th February: Workshop led by Mark Buckley-Sharp and Judith Gimber

Very many thanks to Mark and Judith for leading this  well-attended evening.  In the first half members were given a presentation and demonstration by Mark on image processing and submission requirements for projected image competitions.  A revelation for some and a timely reminder for others!

In the second half of the evening, Judith showed a short video by Sean Dalton showing a simple exercise that helps to capture more unique and interesting compositions using an every-day object.   After that, members accepted the challenge of photographing a simple mug on a wooden table-top, picking up on the video points – viewpoint, direction of light, angles etc.  A really good exercise and one which encourages creativity.  Some of the images will be viewed at the next workshop – processed and resized in line with Mark’s presentation.  We look forward to seeing the ‘mug’ shots!

Next Monday we are back on Zoom for a talk by Andrew Hersom APSA EPSA AFIA – China, Ancient and Modern.

In the meantime, have a good week.