19th February: China – Ancient and Modern by Andrew Hersom APSA EPSA AFIA

Thanks to Andrew Hersom, F4 Photographic Group, West Hull for his Zoom talk covering his travels some years ago to China during his business life.  As such, he frequently had to improvise with whichever camera he had to hand,  limited choice of viewpoint, weather conditions and time constraints etc.  This quote by Tony Worobiec FRPS seemed to encompass his mantra ‘Take it while it grabs your attention.  You might never come back”.   We had a tour of Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Jingshan Park, Hutong Neighbourhood, Summer Palace, Olympic Village, The Great Wall, Ming Tombs, China Aviation Museum before a whistle stop in Shanghai Expo and Financial Centre.  Unfortunately many of the accompanying images were not the best quality but the highlight of the talk was definitely those depicting the Great Wall, portraying not only its magnitude but also haunting atmospheric lighting and mountain recessions.  Perhaps one day……….

Back down to earth next week at Century for our Monochrome and Open Print competitions which will be judged by Amanda Wright, Ealing and Hampshire House.All Posts

In the meantime have a very good week.

12th February: Workshop led by Mark Buckley-Sharp and Judith Gimber

Very many thanks to Mark and Judith for leading this  well-attended evening.  In the first half members were given a presentation and demonstration by Mark on image processing and submission requirements for projected image competitions.  A revelation for some and a timely reminder for others!

In the second half of the evening, Judith showed a short video by Sean Dalton showing a simple exercise that helps to capture more unique and interesting compositions using an every-day object.   After that, members accepted the challenge of photographing a simple mug on a wooden table-top, picking up on the video points – viewpoint, direction of light, angles etc.  A really good exercise and one which encourages creativity.  Some of the images will be viewed at the next workshop – processed and resized in line with Mark’s presentation.  We look forward to seeing the ‘mug’ shots!

Next Monday we are back on Zoom for a talk by Andrew Hersom APSA EPSA AFIA – China, Ancient and Modern.

In the meantime, have a good week.


5th February: Wet and Wild, talk by Dave Stewart

Huge thanks to Dave Stewart from Deepings Camera Club for his terrific talk.  Dave, an ‘accidental’ professional sports photographer took us to the exciting world of motor and water sports, illustrated with his wonderful images.  With a prolific career filling sports magazines over the years with his pictures his talk was  a masterclass in techniques and very sound advice!  He learned his craft with air shows practising techniques such as panning, choosing the best spot (safest spot!)  etc. which he  honed over many years.  Practice certainly makes perfect!  It was an entertaining, informative and very inspiring evening, much appreciated by all.

Coming down to earth, next week we are at Century for an interactive workshop led by Mark Buckley-Sharp and Judith Gimber.

Have a good week and keep warm.